With creams, balms and oils infused with CBD popping up in beauty regimes around the world, we look to see if there’s actually any science behind that new-found shine.
When it comes to your skin, knowing exactly what’s in the bottle is more important than anything. We all have varying skin types, tones and sensitivities so checking those ingredients is absolutely key to making it work for you. And here it’s no different.
CBD is short for cannabidiol – an extract of the cannabis plant, and one of over 100 naturally occurring components. Once the oil is extracted, it’s then filtered to remove all of the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. THC is the psychoactive element known to get you ‘high’. And by removing it, users receive all of the positive benefits without the unwanted side effects.
However, in the majority of cases, the CBD found in your new favourite beauty product is derived from hemp seed oil. Rich in important vitamins, as well as omega fatty acids, it already acts as a natural moisturiser, so the inclusion of this alone into your regime is a sure step towards having softer skin. And now we know that, what’s the point in CBD?

So you know you want to take CBD, but you just don’t know how. Despite there being many products on the market, it can be hard to choose the right one. Let us guide you through the different ways to introduce CBD to your daily routine, whether looking to address a long-running health issue or simply wanting to check out the benefits first-hand.
On the surface, CBD delivers a chemical-free way to fight breakouts and inflammation, but it also offers a promising solution to tackling more stubborn, recurring issues. In a study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science, researchers found that when CBD was applied to human skin cells, it actually inhibited the overproduction of keratinocytes (specific skin cells) that are commonly seen in psoriasis 2. This is further evidence to support CBD working to realign bodily processes that may be adversely affecting the quality of your skin, including its softness, cleanliness, and ability to retain important moisture.
So, by helping to remove everyday irritants and reactivating your body’s natural protective abilities, CBD is a great way to give your skin the TLC it needs. Applying it as cream or balm to your face, hands, feet or other parts of the boy helps your skin to stay clear, moisturised, and retain its natural glow. So what about more serious skin conditions?

When it comes to skin problems, acne is a condition that many people have to deal with at some point in their lives, whether occasionally or on a daily basis. In fact, it affects more than 9% of the world's population.3 This is caused when the sebum (the oily secretion of the sebaceous glands) produced to protect our skin from the elements becomes mixed with dead cells, dirt, and other pollutants. Clogging or covering our pores across huge patches, this becomes acne. And then many other factors influence the severity of this condition – from unavoidable issues such as excess sebum production, hormonal imbalances, and genetics, to more individual attributes including diet, stress levels, and various medications.
Familiar with CBD? Or need a stronger dose than capsules offer? It’s time to switch to CBD oil, which is called a tincture. For this, you simply place a few drops under your tongue and hold it there for around a minute. This is a quick and effective way to get the CBD into your bloodstream, and offers a more cost-effective solution for daily use. The important point here is to watch your intake. With a pipette dispenser (which oils usually come with) it’s easy to take more (and we mean way more!) than you need. Oils come in different strengths so be sure to choose wisely depending on the amount of CBD you have – usually dependent on your reasons for taking. For example, the CBD volume needed for restful sleep is much less than what’s needed to manage pain. This is why it’s always recommended starting off with a small dose, before building to a level that fits your requirements. Just take your time and you’ll notice when you reach this wellness sweet spot.
Based on recent scientific studies, CBD oil may help treat acne due to the anti-inflammatory properties explored earlier, and how this is linked to the body’s ability to reduce sebum production. One test-tube study found that CBD oil prevented sebaceous gland cells from secreting excessive sebum, exerted anti-inflammatory actions and prevented the activation of ‘pro-acne’ agents like inflammatory cytokines.4 This offers some proof to the claim that the CBD found in skin products, dependant on their strength and quality, can not only help maintain the balance your body needs but actually help to reverse life-altering condition such as acne.

Although more studies need to be done to explore the extent of which CBD can encourage softer, cleaner, and more moisturised skin, the evidence around its potential anti-inflammatory and other positive properties only continues to grow. As with any skin product, just be sure to choose quality ingredients over superficial claims and gorgeous scents. But if you’re sold on a good product, and if there isn’t already a CBD balm, oil or cream in your daily skin regime, there’s no better time to give one a try.
1) Mackie K. Cannabinoid receptors: where they are and what they do. J Neuroendocrinol. 2008